Easter Egg Letter Matching Printable

This Easter egg letter matching printable is a great way to create a lovely Easter decoration while learning letters. The printable makes it super easy to do as well!

Easter Egg Letter Matching Printable

We love letter matching activities! Especially ones that result in a nice piece of artwork we can hang on the refrigerator or wall. We’ve made this apple tree, a fall tree, and this rainbow.

This time I wanted to make it even easier for my readers to carry-out the activity, so I created a free printable that will help you do just that! All you have to do is print the option of your choice, write letters on the dots and you are ready to go!

Related read: Plastic Easter Egg Letter Puzzles

There are 3 versions. The blank versions are for dot stickers and the colored version is for dot markers. I made one with 3 dots because many of the dot sticker packs have only 3 colors. If you happen to have multiple packs with different colors, you can use the option with 5 dots.

Materials Needed to Make a Letter Matching Easter Egg

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Marker or pencil

Dot stickers or dot markers (affiliate)

This Easter Egg Letter Matching Dot Printable I created

Preparation Needed:

1. Make the key for your Easter egg. Choose any letters you would like to work on. On the version with blank dots at the bottom, you can put dot stickers there as your key and write a letter on each. If you choose to use the color version, you only need to write the letters on the dots.

2. Write coordinating letters on the dots that are all over the egg. You could also do uppercase on the key and lowercase on the egg. Or just to exact matches like we did this time.

Related read: Easter Egg Beginning Sounds Activity

How to Make a Letter Matching Easter Egg

Match dot stickers to correct letter on the egg

Explain to your child that they need to use the key as a guide for decorating the Easter egg. You may need to help them with the first few until they get the hang of it.

Use the key to match correct dot sticker to it's coordinating letter

Evan loves using the dot stickers, so that was his favorite version. The dot marker version was still a lot of fun for him though.

You can also use a dot marker to dot the correct letter on the egg

The only problem with the dot markers is that they caused the letters I wrote to bleed. Next time I will use pencil when for the dot markers version.

Related read: Crayon Resist Easter Egg Hunt

As usual, we discussed the letter sounds as he was doing the activity. It is an easy way to bring it up in normal discussion and without drilling him on them.

Finished letter matching Easter egg with dot stickers

We love how they turned out! They are already hanging on our wall.

Here are some more Easter activities I think your kids will enjoy!

Easter Egg Sight Word Sort

Easter Egg Toss Game