Editable Easter Word Building Mats for Preschool and Kindergarten

Go hands-on with word work this spring with these editable Easter word building mats, perfect for your literacy centers and word work station!

Free printable Easter sight word building mats.

Easter Word Building Mats

These Easter word building mats are going to be a hit with your students this spring! To make them even sweeter, they’re free to use and easy to prep. Add these seasonal word building mats to your literacy centers and word work station and watch as your students have a blast growing their skills all spring long.

These word building mats are editable, making it easy for you to meet your students where they’re at with their skills. If you need to challenge one group of students and revisit a word list with another group of students, you can do that with the same activity. The great thing about this is the students will only need to learn the directions one time and they’ll be set to use the activity over and over again with different word lists. They’ll also never feel left out as they’ll all be using the same activity, even if they have a different set of words than their friends.

On each word building mat, students will get to work with each word in a variety of ways. They’ll read, write, and build the word using letter manipulatives. This allows them to work all areas of their brain and practice reading, writing, and building the word. By working with each word in 3 ways, they’ll learn more about the spelling and sound patterns in words.

You can include any type of word you’d like on the word lists. A few options are: CVC words, CVCe words, sight words, spelling words, seasonal words, vocabulary words, color words, number words, and more! With the various words you can practice, these mats are perfect for students in grades pre-k and kindergarten through 2nd grade.

Free Easter word work mats for your literacy centers or homework.

Speedy Prep

Spring is a busy time of year, especially as the weather warms up. You don’t want to be stuck inside prepping activities all day long, so we made sure this Easter word building activity was speedy to prep!

All you need to do is type in the words you want to use on the blank word cards on page 4 of this activity. Print and laminate the word cards and word building mats. You can also choose to slide the mats into write and wipe pockets instead of laminating. Store the word cards in zip-top baggies for easy grab-and-go access. You can also label the outside of the baggie so you know which words are included.

You’ll need a letter manipulative for students to use to build the word. Some great options are magnetic letters, letter beads, letter tiles, letter snap cubes, etc. You can also use the printable letter tiles included in this activity. You may want to laminate these as well if you use them. Each student will also need a dry-erase marker to write the word. That’s it! You’re set and ready for students to start working on words!

The Easter word building mats come in color AND black and white so you can use it even if you don’t have access to color printing.

You can quickly prep several different versions of this activity by creating different sets of word cards. To do this, simply change out the words on the word cards.

Printable Easter sight word activity mats.

Tip: make a copy on your computer so you can save each list. After using this activity throughout the spring season, you’ll have a great stash of word cards to choose from to reuse throughout the year and for next Easter season.

Differentiated Easter Word Work

Since there are a variety of words you can include on the word cards, it’s easy to differentiate this activity to meet the needs of your students. After learning the routine and directions for using, your students will be able to complete this word building activity independently with success.

Whether your students are working hard to practice building sight words or are working on CVC word building, this activity will help them read and spell the words and learn the patterns in words.

These Easter word building mats can be used for:

  • Morning work
  • Whole group practice
  • Literacy centers
  • Word work station
  • Leveled, small group practice
  • Independent skill practice
  • Early finisher activities
  • Easter centers
  • Partner practice
  • Assessment
  • Homework
  • Distance learning
Printable Easter word work activity.

Setting up the Easter Word Building Mats

Supplies needed:

  • Word building mats
  • Word cards
  • Letter tiles OR other letter manipulative
  • Write and wipe pockets
  • Dry-erase markers


  1. Type the words onto the blank cards on page 4.
  2. Print and laminate the word building mats and word cards.
  3. Cut the word cards apart.
  4. Slide the word building mats into write and wipe pockets (if using).
  5. Gather letter manipulatives OR print and laminate the letter tiles.
  6. Store the word cards in a zip-top baggie.
  7. Store the letter manipulatives, word mats, and word cards in a large zip-top baggie, file folder, or colorful tray.

Using the Easter Word Building Mats

To use the Easter word building mats, students will draw a word card and place it in the top space on the mat where it says “Read it.” Then, they’ll use their phonemic awareness skills to read the word.

Next, they’ll build the word using the letter manipulative of your choice in the “Build it” box. You can also have your students choose their letter manipulative if you’d like.

Finally, the students will write the word using a dry-erase marker in the corresponding “Write it” space on the mat. 

Before moving on to the next word, they’ll read their word again, erase their writing, and discard the word card into the discard pile.

These Easter-themed word building mats will be so much fun for your students to work with all spring long. Whether they’re building the CVC words they’ve been working hard on or working to master sight words, this activity will help them gain confidence in their literacy and reading skills!

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