Apple Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

This apple number towers activity is a fun way to develop number sense! Students will practice counting and composing & decomposing numbers!

Free printable apple number sense activity for practice with composing and decomposing numbers to ten.

Apple Number Towers Activity

This free printable math resource will be a favorite of your students and comes with a couple of different levels so it may be your favorite go-to too! The apple number towers activity is a hands-on activity that practices counting, composing and decomposing numbers, writing addition sentences, and fine motor skills!

This activity comes with a color AND black and white version to fit your needs. It also comes with a recording sheet for their addition sentences and 2 different game boards. You will want to write this apple-themed activity into your lesson plans!

Free printable apple theme number sense activity for composing and decomposing numbers to ten in kindergarten and first grade.

Simple to Prepare!

I know classroom teachers are busy this time of year, so I made this resource super simple to prepare and be fun and engaging for your learners. Once you download the product, you will need to print it and gather linking cubes and then it will be ready to use!

Your students will love building towers in this apple activity. To incorporate literacy, read the book, Ten Apples Up On Top and count the apples that the animals stack on their heads. Your students will enjoy this silly book and not even know they are learning!

Free printable number sense math activity for your fall math centers.

Setting Up the Apple Number Towers Activity

Supplies Needed:

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  • Apple Number Towers Activity (button to download at the bottom of this post)
  • 2 colors of linking cubes per student
  • Write and wipe pockets (optional)


  1. Print the game board and recording sheets.
  2. Slide into write and wipe pockets for durability. You can also laminate it.
  3. Gather the linking cubes.
  4. Store in a large bag or storage container for easy access.
A fun number sense activity for practice with counting, number identification, subitizing, composing and decomposing numbers and making number sentences.

How to Play…

The first version shows an apple with a domino inside of it. The students will use one color to create a tower for the left side of the domino and another color for the right side of the domino. Then, they will combine the two towers to make one cube tower. Next, they will record the addition sentence they created. For example, the domino shows a 3 and a 5. They will make a tower with 3 reds and a tower with 5 greens. Then they will combine the tower to make one apple tower. They will, then, write the addition sentence 3+5=8.

Free printable number sense math activity for apple theme fall math centers.

The second version is similar but more complex by having them problem solve a little more. The apple shows a number, and the students will design a tower using 2 colors of cubes that add up to that number. Then, they will write an addition sentence to match the tower that they built. For example, the apple has a 5 on it. The student would create a tower with 2 colors (1 red and 4 green). Then, they would write the addition sentence to match (1+4=5).

Differentiate the Apple Number Towers Activity

The free download comes with 2 versions to play for easy differentiation! These game boards could be used for a small group, math center, a whole class activity, an after-school tutoring group, and so much more.

If your students aren’t ready to make addition sentences yet, you could use the apple board with just numbers and have them make towers with one color to just practice counting and one-to-one correspondence. They could also use different manipulatives like mini erasers, pom poms, or plastic apples.

Early finishers would love to work together with a partner to build a tower for every apple. This could be completed quietly once they have finished their math lessons.

A free number sense math activity for learning to count, subitize, compose and decompose numbers and build number sentences.

As you can see, this free game board has so many benefits and requires NO cutting, gluing, and coloring from you! Click below to add it to your math resource library in your classroom!